Hello, Friend.

11 April 2020


Hello, Friend. That’s lame. Maybe I should give you a name. Well, that’s a quote from Mr Robot TV Series intro - and I find it the most appropriate way to start this conversation.

This blog has been on my ToDo list for more than a year pending. Initially, I had decided to build my website using WordPress. I felt that it was an obvious choice as we utilise WordPress to build a great functional website for our clients. As I was restricted with time, I had decided to select a WordPress theme off-the-shelf. However, I kept reaching a dead-end. As it was not part of my workflow, I kept postponing the due date.

Earlier this year, I decided to switch from WordPress to Jekyll. The idea of using markdown and a simple text-editor appealed to me. Furthermore, setting up the website took me less than it used to take me to configure the database for WordPress and initialising the WampServer.

Road Map

“So, what is the point of having a website?” you might ask. Well, for starters it’s 2020 and I have been meaning to publish a portfolio of works for some time. This may serve to just do that.

Nonetheless, I have decided to place my writings on the epicentre of this webpage. Topics will range from 3D printing and laser cutting to architectural commentary and critique. I dabble in a bit of everything. I program software, write articles, sculpt things, paint things, carve things, learn things, design, assemble and build things. This is where I intend to put all the stuff I want to share in a more permanent format.


Blogging might even get fun again and this of course was just a test article I needed to check it out.

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